Ayurvedic Inspired Body Massage Oil Blend

Ayurvedic Inspired Body Massage Oil Blend


This Ayurvedic inspired massage oil blend is handmade with love by Riki Marie from Naturally EOS! She makes many custom blended oils for her customers with care + great attention to detail. She delivers straight to your home with each purchase. Don’t pass by this delightful offer!

One of the most simple + practical practices of Ayurvedic self-care that I ever learned was the nourishing practice of abhyanga, or anointing the body with oil. This is a practice that can be done at any time of the year, but it is one that I particularly love to indulge in during the autumn season.

According to Ayurveda, the autumn season is said to be Vata Dosha dominate. Vata is cold + dry qualities that dominate the season of Fall.  As our bodies are not separate from nature, we see an increase in these qualities during this time of year. If not tended to it can create an imbalance or aggravation to the Vata dosha.

In our physical bodies, this may be experienced as drier skin and hair, a digestive capacity that seems more erratic, or a tendency towards cold hands & feet. Mentally and emotionally there may be greater restlessness or even a sense of being scattered and anxious. Many people say they have trouble falling asleep (or staying asleep) when vata dosha is aggravated, and their mind feels busy even when they are at rest. This can all be exacerbated by the fact that autumn is a busy time of year for many of us as, and if our summer season was particularly intense, we may even find ourselves feeling depleted as September rolls around.

Now a daily oil massage might not be able to remedy all of this, but let me tell you that it can help a lot- plus it feels really good.      Riki Marie has a special custom blend just for this seasonal transition into Fall. 

I encourage everyone to give it a try!

Your body + mind will thank you!

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