Contact Me, Kate Louise

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My FAVORITE pose: Paschimottanasana!!

Also known as Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch.

Reach for your toes + fold your torso over your legs! Make sure to hinge at your hips + tilt your pelvis back as you root your pubic bone down earthward. Do this by walking your sit bones behind you to your maximum capacity. (really stick out your tail feathers!) Try it out with a more neutral-straight-spine by eliminating the desire to round your back. Think more about approaching the posture by pulling your heart forward + LENGTHENING from the front of the spine, rather than grasping to reach your toes. Lengthening from the anchored root of your pubic bone - to heart- to chin - stretching forward.

Inhale to exit out of the pose slightly + lengthen your spine…

Exhale to pull the heart forward + as you fold in more deeply… repeat this pattern with the breath until you discover the most ideal place in your pose to rest + be still.

Move with the heart + the breath rather than from the pure force of will + mind.

with loving-kindness,

Kate L

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Kate Louise 500RYT