Private Yoga Sessions

Become a Monthly Private Yoga Member!

Yoga IS a very sustainable path towards greater health + connection + vitality.

 Private/ one on one yoga instruction is a practical way to learn the foundation for a sustainable (possibly lifelong) practice.  You’ll learn the elements of a good, balanced physical practice that includes breath + mindfulness, while attuning to your anatomical + individual needs. This is a great service for various levels of experience or exposure to yoga from complete newbies, to dabblers, or those who are well-practiced.

I offer a Private Yoga Monthly Membership program to those that have a curiosity of what the practice can do for them and are willing to invest in getting the results they are looking for! There are different payment options for your level of readiness + commitment. This will give you a more affordable opportunity to be more consistent in your personal wellness goals and have a more holistic approach to your wellness.


What do you want from Yoga?

These sessions put you in control of getting what you want from your Yoga practice. It's a time to ask any question is a silly question, but maybe you would feel too uncomfortable to ask it in a group class setting! You can get as much as you need from these sessions to get you feeling how you desire to feel.

Particularly if there is a part of your body that needs special care and attention....maybe its your back, your hips, your knees...or any other part. Inevitably, some people opt for private 1:1 sessions because accumulative stress and anxieties that brought them to investigate the possibilities of Yoga.  

What if I am a beginner?

It’s okay! Let yourself be a beginner when starting!  Reflect + Remember times when you learned something new and various attitudes or expectations you may have had...

Was there fear, excitement, patience/impatience, indecisiveness, or curiosity? How would it feel to dive in with curiosity + open-mindedness. This is a great life-skill just in itself!

About Kate’s knowledge and skills

I specialized studies + training in:

  • Yoga for Aging

  • Modern Science of Strength and Flexibility

  • Modern Pain Science & Yoga

  • Yoga for a Healthy Nervous System (trauma-informed approach)

  • Pilates

  • Continuing studies in the curriculum of Mindful Self-Compassion


Continuing knowledge and skills

I was honored with the opportunity to continue my training beyond the basic 200hr certification. My passion lies in making yoga comfortable and accessible to every person and my 500hr training brought my passion beyond surface level.

I specialize in teaching Gentle-styled yoga that is all-bodies inclusive with compassion and care. Each of us are uniquely designed humans, with one shared desire…to feel good in our bodies! The desire can be the same, but the approach to getting there may be different. I honor each person’s uniqueness and value your personal yoga journey.

What our Sessions look like

I want to empower you and inspire you to feel good - NOT just by the way you look, but the way you FEEL, and the way you manage your health and well-being

We achieve this in a variety of ways based upon your needs.

Schedule your yoga sessions based on YOUR schedule! When you need it rather than waiting for a weekly class!

Schedule to see me in-person or virtually

In a time crunch? Schedule for a virtual session to save time!

Private Yoga Monthly Membership Includes

  • FREE Weekly Virtual Yoga Classes

  • Uniquely Curated 1-on-1 Yoga sessions (weekly, bi-weekly or once per month)

    How many sessions do you want per month?

    Select your package below:

Free consultations are always available when requested.

Once you’re ready to begin sessions, you’ll receive a comprehensive intake form to establish “where you are at” + “where you want to go”.

Together, we dive into (health history), (lifestyle, personal wellness + stress), (sleep, breath + energy), and (intention + goals).

More about what we’ll cover in YOUR 1:1 yoga sessions!

Your Breath:

This is HUGE! It’s important to develop the breath early on to make our yoga practice potent + transformative for our BODY + MIND + HEART. I’ve found the most effective, SIMPLE techniques to teach specifically to beginners.

MoVeMeNt +Flow:

Give your body + breath + mind the freedom of movement.  Each session you will have the opportunity to move like the body craves to move. Precision: there is a cluster of specific poses that are particularly useful to developing + fine-tune precision. Learn the key focal points to popular poses. Learn how to make poses accessible to your body + anatomical variances.  Knowing your anatomical variance is transformative and makes poses so much more easeful.


This is a lifechanging practice that requires a bit of discipline. But, don’t let the word “discipline” deter you. There are tons of different ways to meditate and you don’t need to be meditating for hours to get results. 5 mins is enough to change the neutral pathways of the brain. The ancient yogi’s developed systems + models that focus on an internal focus of control vs. external. Yoga teaches us to focus on the aspects of life that are essentially under our control. If we continually focus on that which we have no control over + face only our futility, then that will be our life. If, however, we focus on the self + the multi-dimensional layered experience of the self, we get closer + closer to a sense of mastery, skillful action + accomplishment. We radiate the integrity we hold within. Naturally, external things become either effortless to fulfill… because we are in alignment, or they simply lose their power over us… because we are in alignment. If you have any subconscious patterns that run on audio-pilot… or patterns that seem to give you more of the same…same old results physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise...Meditation IS FOR YOU :) Even better, you get to identify a meditation technique that appeals uniquely to YOU or works directly on specific patterns you wish to shift or change!

Relaxation + the ART of Doing Nothing:

I can help simplify the most effective techniques for relaxation. Become the most relaxed version of yourself! It’s one of the most beautiful gifts we can give ourselves and humanity.

Reviews & Recommendations

Yoga with Kate is the best. She teaches you how to make yoga work for your body so you get the best result for you. She has helped me with recovery after soccer games, rehab after a knee injury, stretch relief after sitting all day at work, range of motion, balance, and flexibility. I have brought my teenage daughters and my mom...we all benefit in our own way.
— Ann Andrews
Kate’s knowledge of anatomy and awareness of bodies shows in her teaching both one-on-one and in groups. She is a calm presence and a delightful teacher! I highly recommend Kate.
— Theresa McLaren
After my first three sessions I was able to silence my mind and be present, yes it took me that long. I connected with myself In a way I thought was never possible .. My husband and i are now signed up for private sessions and are looking forward to the Practice of all Yoga has to offer .
— Ivonne Cline
Kate’s knowledge of mind & body work is exceptional. Her inviting personality and calming voice make her classes comfortable and relaxing.

Yoga with Kate is something everyone needs to experience. She was my mentor and I think she is brilliant, professional and highly skilled in all levels of yoga.

Kate creates a grounding gentle yoga class using props. I love the vibe of her class, the use of essential oils at the end of class is simply the best!

I highly recommend her class. Kate is a great yoga teacher.

Love and light
— Chona O'Donell
Amazing instructor! Her presence is so grounding and supportive. Her pace and cues calms my mind and builds curiosity in exploring how my body feels and moves.
— Cathy Corkery
She definitely knows how to modify poses and is good at helping you relax she has a wonderful spirit and unique voice
— Mendy Lovall
Absolutely amazing! She touches on every aspect of flexibility so your body can perform any task easier. She comes highly recommended by me
— Evan McDaniel