Dr. Solveig Holmquist

Kate's 1 + 1 sessions are really key to my personal growth.

“Kate is everything a person could want in a yoga instructor and more. In the few times I've joined sessions with other instructors, I've realized how gifted a teacher she is. The comparisons are really quite striking when you realize you're missing elements that you have taken for granted!

All of Kate's sessions are sequential, building skills and strength toward a goal that you realize you've reached pretty easily by the time it comes. (That's a world of difference from being suddenly put into a position cold, unprepared, and unexplained.) She carefully verbalizes the sequence, knowing just the little cautions to offer to keep you from tightening or using muscles that hinder the movement or pose. 

One of the most important skills she builds is self-awareness, the habit of checking on oneself. She often talks us through that inventory of things to be aware of and focus on, and the inventory of places that don't need to get involved in the process! It's clear that she speaks from experience with the growth process and with the unhelpful element of self-criticism.

Rest is always built in; this is so wise, especially in a gentle practice such as the one I'm involved in. I really appreciate the alternatives she offers to most extreme moves and poses, giving us all the chance to choose what works on a given day.

Kate's 1 + 1 sessions are really key to my personal growth.  While she's really mastered the art of leading yoga online, with her gift of verbal instruction, we all know we miss something not being in a live class. Kate's personal sessions give me the chance to ask for help with things I'm not understanding, and give her the chance  to see where the problems lie. The "fixes" are usually ridiculously simple, but obviously elusive to oneself. She's quick to spot them.

Lastly, her instruction has helped to address a rotator cuff problem which has been building for years, and since it affected my work has finally sent me to physical therapy. 

It turns out that I've never been aware of my scapulae, so have raised my shoulders and tensed the muscles around them, not allowing them to drop freely when necessary. I'm working on that awareness both in her classes and in PT, and the transformation has been amazing. Since I'm a musical conductor, this has been a vital insight! My conducting gestures are much more free and comfortable, and in turn that affects the sound of my ensembles: what they see is what you get, and tension isn't what anyone wants to get in the sound.”

Dr. S Holmquist

Salem, Oregon

I’ve taken both private sessions with her as well as group sessions over the last 3 years.  Prior to that I’ve practiced yoga with quite a few other teachers over 12+ years.  Of course we all learn from each encounter we have in life, and I acquired a lot from many teachers along my yoga path.  It also afforded me the chance to make comparisons in teacher style and strengths and what I got from each one.


Kate is genuine and generous and holds all people with regard.  Regard that you can feel.  You feel the appreciation she has for life in general, for her life and for other lives around her.  And regard for the earth and the seasons.  She weaves it all into her work and life.

She brings many years of yoga practice, and achievement of several highly recognized levels of study.  Yoga is so much more complicated than I could ever begin to attempt discussion about, but I know how I feel with each interaction with Kate,and with each class I take with her.  She has an ability to blend and share her knowledge of yoga philosophy, physical poses, breathing, anatomy, nervous system and much more in an amazing way, AND she does this in a gentle pace and manner so that it is accessible to anyone and everyone from the accomplished active person as well as the one who may identify as a couch potato.  Sometimes in class my mind starts telling me I’m not working hard enough, and yet I’m consistently surprised and impressed after class to notice that my whole body is giving me feedback that it got a good workout and my mind feels gentled.  The fantastic thing is that Kate encourages individual choice in class to join in or not certain things, and to do more or less than what she’s talking us through, giving adaptations along the way so that everyone can find an entry point and a continuation path through class.  I don’t know how she does it, but she seems to know the exact point when I need guidance in the middle of a pose/shape instruction.  To practice yoga well, one must be aware of, and do a boatload of things at the same time.  It’s not always easy, but Kate makes it doable for anyone, and enjoyable at the same time.


While she has so much to give and brings her whole being to each class for that purpose, she also desires to learn/receive from others and opens the door to suggestions, requests and “anything else you may need – just email me or call any time”.  It’s quite clear she has a passion and desires to share.”

Lynda C

Salem, Oregon

Dr. K Medyanik

Professor at Corbin University , small business owner of Shattered Glass Leadership + Lipscomb Glamping Retreat Center in Salem, Oregon + Mom!

Huge shout out to my friend Kate Villwock who led me through a virtual yoga training session!  She’s amazing, it was low impact, challenging and I recognized some areas (aside from being slouchy) I need to work on. Turns out I’m really bad at the moments of pause and quiet! 

If you’ve been thinking about yoga but don’t want to head to a gym or not sure where to start this is perfect and I’d be happy to connect you! 

1 million stars!

Dr. K

Salem, Oregon

Judith C

“Watching the teacher is not always easy when we are relying on a Zoom image for instruction, so Kate gives us careful oral cues so that we don’t need to crane our necks to see what she is doing.”

“I have been practicing gentle yoga under Kate Villwock’s expert guidance for the past seven years.Kate is an excellent teacher.  I myself am one of the more elderly members of the class, and although we are still active and engaged, we are not as agile as we once were.  Kate knows this, and she makes accommodation for us, suggesting more gentle approaches to our various poses when necessary.  Watching the teacher is not always easy when we are relying on a Zoom image for instruction, so Kate gives us careful oral cues so that we don’t need to crane our necks to see what she is doing.  When we have questions or feedback for her after class, she always responds thoughtfully and in detail.


Each class begins with a period of “settling,” which I like very much.  This gives us time to clear our minds and be present for the class, rather than mentally rehearsing what we were doing before class and what we plan to do after class.  Classes end with savasana, and Kate does not rush us through this welcome time of rest.  Occasionally she offers a guided meditation while we are in this pose, and I like that very much.  It is a good way to keep the mind from “revving up” again in preparation for what comes after yoga!


I am very grateful for Kate’s instruction and guidance, and I look forward to continuing my yoga journey with her”.

Judith C


Kindra S

Working with her one-on-one has helped me immensely in many aspects of my life; I have become more peaceful inside, more aware of what my body is capable of and all the incredible ways that the simple act of breathing, when done with awareness, is so healing. I’ve worked through lots of anxiety issues in my personal life just using the breathing techniques Kate has taught throughout the years. I don’t know if she knows it, but I am no longer suffering panic attacks! That’s huge!

I have known Kate for four years as a yogi, teacher, and friend. The first time I met her was the day I decided to try the ‘Gentle Yoga’ class at what was then Indigo Yoga Center. I had never taken a formal yoga class before and had no idea what to expect and was quite nervous. I asked her if she was the instructor and she, of course, said yes. It was at that moment that I felt an incredible sense of acceptance and welcome that has shaped what started out as ‘just getting a little more movement’ and turned it into a lifestyle for me.
As I have navigated the yoga journey, I drifted around to a few other classes but I always find myself back in Kate’s class.
Last summer I finally had the opportunity to begin private yoga sessions and it has been so much fun. She truly loves The Practice and it is delightfully contagious. Kate is dedicated to her students and it shows in the care and attention to detail she puts into each session. She believes in the ‘whole body experience’ and I am amazed at how easily we target all areas of our bodies in just a few sessions. In the private setting, we are able to customise and optimise each session according to my needs and also what she may feel I need. There have been times when I thought we might work on one area but Kate thought we should do something else! I trust her teacher’s instinct and have never once questioned her expertise, nor have I been sorry in so doing.
Working with her one-on-one has helped me immensely in many aspects of my life; I have become more peaceful inside, more aware of what my body is capable of and all the incredible ways that the simple act of breathing, when done with awareness, is so healing. I’ve worked through lots of anxiety issues in my personal life just using the breathing techniques Kate has taught throughout the years. I don’t know if she knows it, but I am no longer suffering panic attacks! That’s huge!
Kate is a truly special person, and she has found the PERFECT way to share her gifts with the rest of us. I treasure her graceful presence in my life and indeed on this planet. I thank her for the beautiful doorway she provided for me to enter into her world and to share the wonder of the human body and the marvelousness of what we are truly capable of if we just try. I feel very fortunate indeed to call her teacher.

Kindra S

Salem, Oregon

I absolutely love Kate’s gentle yoga classes. She explains poses thoroughly, is great at adapting the practice for all levels of students, and has a great variety of of movements so you’re never bored. I highly recommend Kate as an instructor for anyone, at any age or body type.

Cassandra P

Salem, Oregon

Kate has been my yoga teacher for six years.

I’ve had a number of wonderful yoga instructors. But Kate has continued to resonate with me. Why? Because Kate:

1.Communicates clearly,

2. Is kind and considerate,

3. Knows physiology as well as yoga mechanics and is able to articulate them,

4. Is utterly dependable, (so that I hope she gets a break now and then over the years!),

5. Has a calming presence, perhaps because she seems to have a deep spiritual practice and is able to convey her understandings in a subtle way.

6. Is not a wimp! While I take only her “gentle” yoga class, I can assure you that “gentle” does not mean easy! Yet, Kate also is sensitive to providing her students with less demanding options for most poses.

I am 73 years old and can assure you that Kate is able to reach men as well as women, including those much older than she.

Even now, having moved to Portland and needing to rely on virtual sessions for two years, I continue to benefit from Kate’s teaching.

Larry G

Portland, Oregon